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From Scripture to Today: Unraveling the Timeless Relevance of the Old Testament

Sunrise over Mountains

Overview of the Old Testament


The town of Samaria fell to the hands of the

Assyrians, and that was because they abandoned their one true God, and stopped worshiping Him. They turned away, and engaged in idolatry, worshiping other gods.


God warned the people of Samaria by sending prophets such as Hosea and Amos. These prophets told the people about the bad consequences of their sinful practices and allowed them to turn back to the one true God. However, the people of Samaria ignored the prophets’ warnings and went back to their immoral acts.


The northern kingdom of Samaria then fell to the hands of the Assyrians when they overran the town after a three-year siege. The Assyrians then deported a large number of the residents of Samaria and other residents to Assyrian provinces. The Assyrians brought deportees from other conquered areas and transported them to Samaria to take their place. 



The king of Judah, King Jehoiachin, rebelled against King Nebuchadnezzar II, who led the Babylonians. This prompted a military response from them, thus starting the Babylonian exile in 597 BCE. The people of the kingdom of Judah had strayed away from worshiping the one true God and instead engaged in idolatry and other sinful customs. 


God warned the people of Judah through prophets like Jeremiah about the consequences of disobeying God's commandments if they did not repent.

They emphasized in their warnings how important it is to turn back to God and how it is still not too late.


However, the people of Judah ignored the prophets' advice and carried on with their sinful ways, just like the people of Samaria did. 


God left the people of Judah alone, to King Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon who conducted military operations against Judah in response to King Jehoiachin's rebellion. After an extended siege, the Babylonians captured Jerusalem and its elite, including King Jehoiachin, in Judah.

The 5 Stages

Explore the five stages of the Old Testament.

Tribal Stage


United Kingdom


Divided Kingdom


Exilic Stage


Post- Exilic Stage

Catechesis and Reflection

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